Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Who Would Ever Guess?

That little cakes of fermented soybeans are delicious?  I know!  Weird, huh?  But honestly, tempeh is scrumptious!

One of my favorite things to do with tempeh is make salad for sandwiches.  Just slice it and fry it in a little oil so it's crispy, remove from pan and chop it up, put it in a bowl and mix in a couple of teaspoons of soy sauce.  Then add what you like!! Chopped celery, green onions, red pepper, red onions, relish, barbeque sauce, mayo, mustard, celery seed, chopped hard boiled egg.  You get the idea.  I promise you will love it!
This particular salad had chopped green onions and red peppers, celery seed and mayonnaise (actually Vegenaise) mixed into the chopped tempeh, soy sauce stuff.  I plopped it onto one of those skinny little buns, added greens and called it lunch!